Exploring A World Beyond Hand Tools

Course Description

Are you interested in learning how to use CAD and CAM?  This is the course for you!  Today's makers and restorers are bringing their work into the 21st century with various types of machining.  Learn what you can do by attending this intensive 5-day course.  Gregg Sapp will provide practical advice to violin makers and restorers on blending the use of traditional techniques with the latest state-of-the-art manual and computer-controlled tools and technologies to enhance safe and minimally invasive procedures.

Expect daily in-depth duscussions pertaining to design work, generating templates, counter-forms, fixtures and jigs, casting methods and materials, realistic applications, methodology and safety.  Students will be provided with general information about various types of equipment, as well as their potential costs, along with a means to a better understanding of the learning curve that will be needed to feel competent while operating these machines responsibly.  Students will learn how to use an overarm pin router, a manual vertical milling machine, a CNC router, a 3D scanner as well as a 3D printer.  They will perform hands-on projects which will cover a broad scope of applications that pertain to both new making and restoration.

This class is for anyone that has an interest in the use and application of power tools and current technology in the workshop.  Participants will be expected to be somewhat conversive with CAD (Computer Aided Design)- preferably Fusion 360. 

Pre-requisite:  This course requires instructor approval so list all your experience in the space provided on the application.  

Students should download the free version of Fusion360 now to become as familiar as possible with "design" and possibly "manufacturing" workspaces. 

Students will be expected to sign a "POWER TOOL RELEASE & WAIVER OF LIABILITY" form upon arrival. 

Students are responsible for the cost of materials for any personal projects and should contact the instructor for project approval.

Learn more about the instructor!!

Event Details
Date of Workshop
Open Seats
9 Spots